Odin Inspector Version


  • Inline editors are now always drawn with the GUI enabled. Hence, inline editors with [ReadOnly] values (or values that are not editable for other reasons) now work properly.
  • Fixed issue with InspectorProperty.LastDrawnValueRect.
  • Paging buttons on lists, arrays and dictionaries now work when GUI is disabled.
  • Unity-serialized values that are null, can now be corrected when property is not editable.
  • "Context-click -> Clear list" no longer works on lists that are not editable.
  • Enums now work in the inspector with values in the full range of long.MinValue to ulong.MaxValue, and negative enum values can be serialized.
  • Fixed issue where prefab modifications for values of added list elements would often fail to apply in the same frame as they were registered, causing them to lose values.


  • Major rework of drawer system internals. Removed the concept of append and prepend drawers; changed to just a single drawer chain to simplify the drawer system. Also changed drawer priorities to be less confusing - they now have three
  • levels: super, wrapper and value. If you have written custom Odin drawers, they will have to be updated to conform with the changes. If your drawer was an append or prepend drawer, remember to add a CallNextDrawer call respectively before or after drawing.
  • Methods are now also drawn with drawer chains. Therefore, ShowIf, HideIf, GUIColor, and other such attributes, now work on buttons in the inspector.
  • Renamed PropertyValueOverride to PropertyValueState.
  • Interface ISearchable was removed.
  • Removed the "search for settings" feature in the Odin Preferences Window as it was not working properly. This will be re-introduced once it is fixed and working properly.

Odin Inspector Version


  • 75% of all members and classes are now documented inline
  • Added [SuppressInvalidAttributeError] attribute
  • Added delayed drawers for many more types.
  • Added Odin Inspector logo to the about window.


  • Invalid attribute error no longer appears for dictionary keys
  • All dictionary key types are now drawn with delayed drawers.
  • Fixed an error where InlineEditors would destroy some click events if expanded.
  • Fixed a potential error where dragging list items would not work.
  • Fixed issue with quaternion angle axis and indenting.
  • SirenixEditorGUI.DynamicPrimitiveField no longer incorrectly clamps values.
  • Odin now correctly guesses that Unity will not serialize non-Unity-object fields of the same type as the declaring type.
  • Scene Validator now actually only runs validation on types that Odin is configured to draw.
  • Fixed rare case where FormatterLocator made illegal Unity API calls when type load exceptions occurred during editor initialization.
  • AssemblyGenerator now handles missing assemblies better.
  • Fixed an issue where drop zones inside dragging elements was valid.
  • Fixed build error caused by a demo script.


  • InlineEditor now draws preview for GameObjects by default
  • Renamed isFolded parameter in Foldout method to isVisible, to convey the meaning of the state.
  • Renamed GlobalConfigWindow to SirenixPreferencesWindow.
  • Renamed OdinInspectorPreferences to OdinInspectorAboutWindow.
  • Renamed GetContainedType to GetReturnType
  • InspectorTypeDrawingConfig.GetDefaultEditorType now returns null for types that Odin cannot draw.