
JsonDataReader class

Namespace: Sirenix.Serialization
Assembly: Sirenix.Serialization
public class JsonDataReader : BaseDataReader, IDataReader, IDisposable
Reads json data from a stream that has been written by a JsonDataWriter.
See Also


public JsonDataReader()
JsonDataReader(Stream, DeserializationContext)
Initializes a new instance of the JsonDataReader class.
public JsonDataReader(Stream stream, DeserializationContext context)
System.IO.Stream stream

The base stream of the reader.

DeserializationContext context

The deserialization context to use.


Gets or sets the base stream of the reader.
public override Stream Stream { get; set; }


Disposes all resources kept by the data reader, except the stream, which can be reused later.
public override void Dispose()
EnterArray(out Int64)
Tries to enters an array node. This will succeed if the next entry is an StartOfArray.

This call MUST (eventually) be followed by a corresponding call to

This call will change the values of the Sirenix.Serialization.IDataReader.IsInArrayNode, Sirenix.Serialization.IDataReader.CurrentNodeName, Sirenix.Serialization.IDataReader.CurrentNodeId and Sirenix.Serialization.IDataReader.CurrentNodeDepth properties to the correct values for the current array node.

public override bool EnterArray(out long length)
System.Int64 length

The length of the array that was entered.


true if an array was entered, otherwise false

EnterNode(out Type)
Tries to enter a node. This will succeed if the next entry is an StartOfNode.

This call MUST (eventually) be followed by a corresponding call to

This call will change the values of the Sirenix.Serialization.IDataReader.IsInArrayNode, Sirenix.Serialization.IDataReader.CurrentNodeName, Sirenix.Serialization.IDataReader.CurrentNodeId and Sirenix.Serialization.IDataReader.CurrentNodeDepth properties to the correct values for the current node.

public override bool EnterNode(out Type type)
System.Type type

The type of the node. This value will be null if there was no metadata, or if the reader's serialization binder failed to resolve the type name.


true if entering a node succeeded, otherwise false

Exits the closest array. This method will keep skipping entries using until an EndOfArray is reached, or the end of the stream is reached.

This call MUST have been preceded by a corresponding call to Sirenix.Serialization.IDataReader.EnterArray(System.Int64@).

This call will change the values of the Sirenix.Serialization.IDataReader.IsInArrayNode, Sirenix.Serialization.IDataReader.CurrentNodeName, Sirenix.Serialization.IDataReader.CurrentNodeId and Sirenix.Serialization.IDataReader.CurrentNodeDepth to the correct values for the node that was prior to the exited array node.

public override bool ExitArray()

true if the method exited an array, false if it reached the end of the stream.

Exits the current node. This method will keep skipping entries using until an EndOfNode is reached, or the end of the stream is reached.

This call MUST have been preceded by a corresponding call to Sirenix.Serialization.IDataReader.EnterNode(System.Type@).

This call will change the values of the Sirenix.Serialization.IDataReader.IsInArrayNode, Sirenix.Serialization.IDataReader.CurrentNodeName, Sirenix.Serialization.IDataReader.CurrentNodeId and Sirenix.Serialization.IDataReader.CurrentNodeDepth to the correct values for the node that was prior to the current node.

public override bool ExitNode()

true if the method exited a node, false if it reached the end of the stream.

public override string GetDataDump()

Peeks the current entry.
protected override EntryType PeekEntry()

The peeked entry.

PeekEntry(out String)
Peeks ahead and returns the type of the next entry in the stream.
public override EntryType PeekEntry(out string name)
System.String name

The name of the next entry, if it has one.


The type of the next entry.

Tells the reader that a new serialization session is about to begin, and that it should clear all cached values left over from any prior serialization sessions. This method is only relevant when the same reader is used to deserialize several different, unrelated values.
public override void PrepareNewSerializationSession()
ReadBoolean(out Boolean)
Reads a System.Boolean value. This call will succeed if the next entry is an Boolean.

If the call fails (and returns false), it will skip the current entry value, unless that entry is an EndOfNode or an EndOfArray.

public override bool ReadBoolean(out bool value)
System.Boolean value

The value that has been read.


true if reading the value succeeded, otherwise false

ReadByte(out Byte)
Reads a System.Byte value. This call will succeed if the next entry is an Integer.

If the value of the stored integer is smaller than System.Byte.MinValue or larger than System.Byte.MaxValue, the result will be default(System.Byte).

If the call fails (and returns false), it will skip the current entry value, unless that entry is an EndOfNode or an EndOfArray.

public override bool ReadByte(out byte value)
System.Byte value

The value that has been read.


true if reading the value succeeded, otherwise false

ReadChar(out Char)
Reads a System.Char value. This call will succeed if the next entry is an String.

If the string of the entry is longer than 1 character, the first character of the string will be taken as the result.

If the call fails (and returns false), it will skip the current entry value, unless that entry is an EndOfNode or an EndOfArray.

public override bool ReadChar(out char value)
System.Char value

The value that has been read.


true if reading the value succeeded, otherwise false

ReadDecimal(out Decimal)
Reads a System.Decimal value. This call will succeed if the next entry is an FloatingPoint or an Integer.

If the stored integer or floating point value is smaller than System.Decimal.MinValue or larger than System.Decimal.MaxValue, the result will be default(System.Decimal).

If the call fails (and returns false), it will skip the current entry value, unless that entry is an EndOfNode or an EndOfArray.

public override bool ReadDecimal(out decimal value)
System.Decimal value

The value that has been read.


true if reading the value succeeded, otherwise false

ReadDouble(out Double)
Reads a System.Double value. This call will succeed if the next entry is an FloatingPoint or an Integer.

If the stored integer or floating point value is smaller than System.Double.MinValue or larger than System.Double.MaxValue, the result will be default(System.Double).

If the call fails (and returns false), it will skip the current entry value, unless that entry is an EndOfNode or an EndOfArray.

public override bool ReadDouble(out double value)
System.Double value

The value that has been read.


true if reading the value succeeded, otherwise false

ReadExternalReference(out Guid)
Reads an external reference guid. This call will succeed if the next entry is an ExternalReferenceByGuid.

If the call fails (and returns false), it will skip the current entry value, unless that entry is an EndOfNode or an EndOfArray.

public override bool ReadExternalReference(out Guid guid)
System.Guid guid

The external reference guid.


true if reading the value succeeded, otherwise false

ReadExternalReference(out Int32)
Reads an external reference index. This call will succeed if the next entry is an ExternalReferenceByIndex.

If the call fails (and returns false), it will skip the current entry value, unless that entry is an EndOfNode or an EndOfArray.

public override bool ReadExternalReference(out int index)
System.Int32 index

The external reference index.


true if reading the value succeeded, otherwise false

ReadExternalReference(out String)
Reads an external reference string. This call will succeed if the next entry is an ExternalReferenceByString.

If the call fails (and returns false), it will skip the current entry value, unless that entry is an EndOfNode or an EndOfArray.

public override bool ReadExternalReference(out string id)
System.String id

The external reference string.


true if reading the value succeeded, otherwise false

ReadGuid(out Guid)
Reads a System.Guid value. This call will succeed if the next entry is an Guid.

If the call fails (and returns false), it will skip the current entry value, unless that entry is an EndOfNode or an EndOfArray.

public override bool ReadGuid(out Guid value)
System.Guid value

The value that has been read.


true if reading the value succeeded, otherwise false

ReadInt16(out Int16)
Reads a System.Int16 value. This call will succeed if the next entry is an Integer.

If the value of the stored integer is smaller than System.Int16.MinValue or larger than System.Int16.MaxValue, the result will be default(System.Int16).

If the call fails (and returns false), it will skip the current entry value, unless that entry is an EndOfNode or an EndOfArray.

public override bool ReadInt16(out short value)
System.Int16 value

The value that has been read.


true if reading the value succeeded, otherwise false

ReadInt32(out Int32)
Reads an System.Int32 value. This call will succeed if the next entry is an Integer.

If the value of the stored integer is smaller than System.Int32.MinValue or larger than System.Int32.MaxValue, the result will be default(System.Int32).

If the call fails (and returns false), it will skip the current entry value, unless that entry is an EndOfNode or an EndOfArray.

public override bool ReadInt32(out int value)
System.Int32 value

The value that has been read.


true if reading the value succeeded, otherwise false

ReadInt64(out Int64)
Reads a System.Int64 value. This call will succeed if the next entry is an Integer.

If the value of the stored integer is smaller than System.Int64.MinValue or larger than System.Int64.MaxValue, the result will be default(System.Int64).

If the call fails (and returns false), it will skip the current entry value, unless that entry is an EndOfNode or an EndOfArray.

public override bool ReadInt64(out long value)
System.Int64 value

The value that has been read.


true if reading the value succeeded, otherwise false

ReadInternalReference(out Int32)
Reads an internal reference id. This call will succeed if the next entry is an InternalReference.

If the call fails (and returns false), it will skip the current entry value, unless that entry is an EndOfNode or an EndOfArray.

public override bool ReadInternalReference(out int id)
System.Int32 id

The internal reference id.


true if reading the value succeeded, otherwise false

Reads a null value. This call will succeed if the next entry is an Null.

If the call fails (and returns false), it will skip the current entry value, unless that entry is an EndOfNode or an EndOfArray.

public override bool ReadNull()

true if reading the value succeeded, otherwise false

ReadPrimitiveArray<T>(out T[])
Reads a primitive array value. This call will succeed if the next entry is an PrimitiveArray.

If the call fails (and returns false), it will skip the current entry value, unless that entry is an EndOfNode or an EndOfArray.

public override bool ReadPrimitiveArray<T>(out T[] array)
    where T : struct
T[] array

The resulting primitive array.


true if reading a primitive array succeeded, otherwise false

Type Parameters

The element type of the primitive array. Valid element types can be determined using IsPrimitiveArrayType(Type).


Type + typeof(T).Name + is not a valid primitive array type.

ReadSByte(out SByte)
Reads an System.SByte value. This call will succeed if the next entry is an Integer.

If the value of the stored integer is smaller than System.SByte.MinValue or larger than System.SByte.MaxValue, the result will be default(System.SByte).

If the call fails (and returns false), it will skip the current entry value, unless that entry is an EndOfNode or an EndOfArray.

public override bool ReadSByte(out sbyte value)
System.SByte value

The value that has been read.


true if reading the value succeeded, otherwise false

ReadSingle(out Single)
Reads a System.Single value. This call will succeed if the next entry is an FloatingPoint or an Integer.

If the stored integer or floating point value is smaller than System.Single.MinValue or larger than System.Single.MaxValue, the result will be default(System.Single).

If the call fails (and returns false), it will skip the current entry value, unless that entry is an EndOfNode or an EndOfArray.

public override bool ReadSingle(out float value)
System.Single value

The value that has been read.


true if reading the value succeeded, otherwise false

ReadString(out String)
Reads a System.String value. This call will succeed if the next entry is an String.

If the call fails (and returns false), it will skip the current entry value, unless that entry is an EndOfNode or an EndOfArray.

public override bool ReadString(out string value)
System.String value

The value that has been read.


true if reading the value succeeded, otherwise false

Consumes the current entry, and reads to the next one.
protected override EntryType ReadToNextEntry()

The next entry.

ReadUInt16(out UInt16)
Reads an System.UInt16 value. This call will succeed if the next entry is an Integer.

If the value of the stored integer is smaller than System.UInt16.MinValue or larger than System.UInt16.MaxValue, the result will be default(System.UInt16).

If the call fails (and returns false), it will skip the current entry value, unless that entry is an EndOfNode or an EndOfArray.

public override bool ReadUInt16(out ushort value)
System.UInt16 value

The value that has been read.


true if reading the value succeeded, otherwise false

ReadUInt32(out UInt32)
Reads an System.UInt32 value. This call will succeed if the next entry is an Integer.

If the value of the stored integer is smaller than System.UInt32.MinValue or larger than System.UInt32.MaxValue, the result will be default(System.UInt32).

If the call fails (and returns false), it will skip the current entry value, unless that entry is an EndOfNode or an EndOfArray.

public override bool ReadUInt32(out uint value)
System.UInt32 value

The value that has been read.


true if reading the value succeeded, otherwise false

ReadUInt64(out UInt64)
Reads an System.UInt64 value. This call will succeed if the next entry is an Integer.

If the value of the stored integer is smaller than System.UInt64.MinValue or larger than System.UInt64.MaxValue, the result will be default(System.UInt64).

If the call fails (and returns false), it will skip the current entry value, unless that entry is an EndOfNode or an EndOfArray.

public override bool ReadUInt64(out ulong value)
System.UInt64 value

The value that has been read.


true if reading the value succeeded, otherwise false