
GlobalSerializationConfig class

Namespace: Sirenix.Serialization
Assembly: Sirenix.Serialization.Config
public class GlobalSerializationConfig : GlobalConfig<GlobalSerializationConfig>, IGlobalConfigEvents
Not yet documented.


public GlobalSerializationConfig()


Whether the user has chosen to hide the warning messages related to the SerializeField and ShowInInspector attributes on non-serialized members.
[LabelText("Hide Non-Serialized SerializeField/ShowInInspector Warning Messages")]
[InfoBox("Enabling this will hide all warning messages that show up when the SerializeField and the ShowInInspector attributes are used together on non-serialized fields or properties.", InfoMessageType.Info, null)]
public bool HideNonSerializedShowInInspectorWarningMessages
Whether the user has chosen to hide the warning messages related to the OdinSerialize attribute.
[InfoBox("Enabling this will hide all warning messages that will show up in the inspector when the OdinSerialize attribute potentially does not achieve the desired effect.", InfoMessageType.Info, null)]
public bool HideOdinSerializeAttributeWarningMessages
[DetailedInfoBox("Click to show warning message.", "In 2018.3, Unity introduced a new prefab workflow, and in so doing, changed how all prefabs fundamentally work. Despite our best efforts, we have so far been unable to achieve a stable implementation of Odin-serialized prefab modifications on prefab instances and variants in the new prefab workflow.This has nothing to do with Odin serializer itself, which remains rock solid. Odin-serialized ScriptableObjects and non-prefab Components/Behaviours are still perfectly stable - you are only seeing this message because this is an Odin-serialized prefab asset or instance.\n\nUsing prefabs with Odin serialization in 2018.3 and above is considered a *deprecated feature* and is officially unsupported. In short, if you disregard this message and then experience issues, we will not be able to help or support you.\n\nPlease keep all this in mind, if you wish to continue using Odin-serialized prefabs.", InfoMessageType.Info, null)]
public bool HidePrefabCautionaryMessage
Whether the user has chosen to hide the cautionary serialization warning.
[Title("Warning messages", null, TitleAlignments.Left, true, true)]
[DetailedInfoBox("Click to show warning message.", "Odin's custom serialization protocol is stable and fast. It is built to be fast, reliable and resilient above all.\n\n*Words of caution* \nHowever, caveats apply - there is a reason Unity chose such a drastically limited serialization protocol. It keeps things simple and manageable, and limits how much complexity you can introduce into your data structures. It can be very easy to get carried away and shoot yourself in the foot when all limitations suddenly disappear, and hence we have included this cautionary warning.\n\nWarning words aside, there can of course be valid reasons to use a more powerful serialization protocol such as Odin's. However, we advise you to use it wisely and with restraint. After all, with great power comes great responsibility!", InfoMessageType.Info, null)]
public bool HideSerializationCautionaryMessage
Text for the hide button for the cautionary prefab warning shown in the inspector.
public const string ODIN_PREFAB_CAUTIONARY_WARNING_BUTTON_TEXT = "I understand that I'm on my own. Hide message forever."
public const string ODIN_PREFAB_CAUTIONARY_WARNING_TEXT = "In 2018.3, Unity introduced a new prefab workflow, and in so doing, changed how all prefabs fundamentally work. Despite our best efforts, we have so far been unable to achieve a stable implementation of Odin-serialized prefab modifications on prefab instances and variants in the new prefab workflow.This has nothing to do with Odin serializer itself, which remains rock solid. Odin-serialized ScriptableObjects and non-prefab Components/Behaviours are still perfectly stable - you are only seeing this message because this is an Odin-serialized prefab asset or instance.\n\nUsing prefabs with Odin serialization in 2018.3 and above is considered a *deprecated feature* and is officially unsupported. In short, if you disregard this message and then experience issues, we will not be able to help or support you.\n\nPlease keep all this in mind, if you wish to continue using Odin-serialized prefabs."
Text for the hide button for the cautionary serialization warning shown in the inspector.
public const string ODIN_SERIALIZATION_CAUTIONARY_WARNING_BUTTON_TEXT = "I know what I'm about, son. Hide message forever."
Text for the cautionary serialization warning shown in the inspector.
public const string ODIN_SERIALIZATION_CAUTIONARY_WARNING_TEXT = "Odin's custom serialization protocol is stable and fast. It is built to be fast, reliable and resilient above all.\n\n*Words of caution* \nHowever, caveats apply - there is a reason Unity chose such a drastically limited serialization protocol. It keeps things simple and manageable, and limits how much complexity you can introduce into your data structures. It can be very easy to get carried away and shoot yourself in the foot when all limitations suddenly disappear, and hence we have included this cautionary warning.\n\nWarning words aside, there can of course be valid reasons to use a more powerful serialization protocol such as Odin's. However, we advise you to use it wisely and with restraint. After all, with great power comes great responsibility!"


Not yet documented.
public DataFormat BuildSerializationFormat { get; set; }
Not yet documented.
public DataFormat EditorSerializationFormat { get; set; }
Not yet documented.
public ErrorHandlingPolicy ErrorHandlingPolicy { get; set; }
Not yet documented.
public ILogger Logger { get; }
Not yet documented.
public LoggingPolicy LoggingPolicy { get; set; }