
Sirenix.OdinInspector.Editor.ValueResolvers namespace


This attribute can be placed on an assembly to register a value resolver creator that should be queried when a value resolver is being created.

A ValueResolver resolves a string to a value of a given type, given an InspectorProperty instance to use as context. Call Get<TResult>(InspectorProperty, String) to get an instance of a ValueResolver.

Value resolvers are a globally extendable system that can be hooked into and modified or changed by creating and registering a ValueResolverCreator.

See Odin's tutorials for details and examples of how to use ValueResolvers.

A ValueResolver resolves a string to a value of a given type, given an InspectorProperty instance to use as context. Call Get<TResult>(InspectorProperty, String) to get an instance of a ValueResolver.

Value resolvers are a globally extendable system that can be hooked into and modified or changed by creating and registering a ValueResolverCreator.

See Odin's tutorials for details and examples of how to use ValueResolvers.


This struct contains all of a ValueResolver's configurations and values it needs to function. For performance and simplicity reasons, this is a single very large struct that lives on a ValueResolver instance and is passed around by ref to anything that needs it.